But then there was the unfortunate Smithfield Farms sponsorship. And suddenly, I had political and ethical barriers to tuning in. And then, there are the just stupid moments like this:

In case you have the over-40 eyes like me, the recipe calls for Parmesan and is a Mario Batali recipe. The double-line rollover ad is for VELVEETA.
They should really limit the Velveeta ads to Paula Deen's recipes.
LOL. I just spent a good half hour reading your blog and enjoyed it very much. Say, have you seen www.FoodNetworkHumor.com yet? I think you would enjoy it!
I know, I quit watching as well. I always love Jaime Oliver shows and Alton Brown. But when you're trying to eat seasonally and locally it just doesn't help to see delicious recipes that you can't make.
Mr Chiots and I cancelled our cable a year and half ago and I haven't even missed a thing. I would highly recommend going sans cable to anyone!
Bev... thanks for that link to www.foodnetworkhumor.com! I been over there LOL!
About the only thing I watch anymore on FN is Alton Brown and ICA. It's turning into the RR and Sandra Lee network and too many of those dang challenge shows! I want show about cooking... not eating!
Dear me... Well, I haven't seen FN since 2000 (no overeseas equivalent). So I'm pre-Rachel Ray FN anyway. But damn. Eww.
I agree, food network has gone to crap. Although they do have a new season of 'Jamie At Home' which is a great show of veggie gardening/cooking. I am not sure if they air the show in the States though?
Dan: Jamie at home did run on FN, but the contract was short and it is off air now. I LOVED it. In fact, I was obsessed with it. Watched each episode twice before I deleted it off my DVR. For those of you who missed: episodes start with Jamie out in his massive garden in the gorgeous English countryside. He grows everything - chiles, leafy greens, fruits, root vegetables... He gathers the day's theme ingredients and then takes to one of his three indoor garden kitchen rooms - replete with all necessary cooking pots/pans/utensils (antiques - beautiful) and whips up something delicious in no time. (He also cooks by his outdoor wood-fire brick oven or at small outposts elsewhere in the garden.
Most inspired/inspiring cooking show I have ever watched. No question.
If you like him, you will die over this series. I believe this is it: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Jamie-Oliver-At-Home/dp/B000V6AEOU.
I might have to get that DVD! Thanks for the info.
FN used to be my favorite--after a lifetime of hating to cook, I finally learned how by watching the food network. When the rot set in, I was hopeful the producers would see their error and go back to the previous format. No such luck--it just got worse, to the point that I stopped watching altogether. BUT, I found an alternative! PBS! They don't have many shows, but the ones they have are really good. I especially like "Everyday Food" and "Cook's Country from America's test kitchen". Check local listings.
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